Our Service » Myanmar
To file a new trademark application under the new Myanmar Trademark Law, the following information and documents are required:
1. Required documents
TM2 Form – to be notarized;
Name and Address of the Applicant;
If the applicant is an organization – Company Registration number/commercial register number, type of company to be stated;
Complete ad clear description of the marks in jpg format;
Classes and list of goods and/or services in accordance with International Classification 12th Edition of the Nice Classification;
Conventional Priority Claim under the Paris Convention, if any;
Right of Trade Fair Priority, if any;
If to claim priority for the trademark application in Myanmar, the Myanmar trademark applicant needs to submit authentic evidence and statement of priority rights;
If to claim the right of exhibition priority for trademark application in Myanmar, the Myanmar trademark applicant needs to submit supporting evidence and statement of exhibition right.
2. Timeframe
It would take around 07 or 08 months for a smooth case registration.
3. Quotation
Please send us an email to mail@annamlaw.com.vn or annamlaw@vnn.vn if you have any questions regarding trademark matters in Myanmar.