Intellectual Property Organizations
Country |
Name |
Canada. |
IPIC - Intellectual Property Institute of Canada / l'Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle du Canada. |
Canada. |
CIII - Centre International Invention Innovation / The International Invention and Innovation Centre |
Canada. |
Canadian Seed Trade Association. |
Canada. |
Canadian Innovation Centre. |
Czech Republic |
LES Czech Republic. |
Czech Republic. |
Komora patentovych zastupcu - Chamber of Patent Attorneys of Czech Republic. |
Denmark. |
DIP - Dansk Forening for Industriens Patent- og Varemærkespecialister - Association of Danish Industrial Property Executives. |
Denmark. |
KonkurrenceStyrelsen - Danish Competition Council. |
England |
IILP - The Institute of International Licensing Practitioners. |
Estonia. |
The Association of Estonian Patent Attorneys. |
Eurasian |
Eurasian Patent Organization |
Finland. |
Keksinnöillä Uusia Tuotteita Markkinoille - Foundation For Finnish Inventions. |
Finland. |
The Association of Finnish Patent Attorneys - Suomen Patenttiasiamiesyhdistys ry. |
France |
IRPI - Institut de Recherche en Propriété Intellectuelle |
France |
CNCPI - Compagnie National des Conseils en Propriété Industrial - French Institute of Industrial Property Attorneys. |
France |
AACEIPI - L'association des Amis du Centre d'Etudes Internationales pour la Propriété Industrielle. |
Georgia. |
Association of the Georgian Patent Attorneys |
Germany |
Patentanwalt Suche - Patent Attorney Search. |
Germany |
Max Planck Institute for International patent Copyright and Competition Law. |
Germany |
PAVIS - Service Organization for German Patent Attorneys. |